Monday, 7 May 2012

"No jump this morning!"

Talkeetna is indeed a quaint little drinking town with a climbing problem. We've been here less than 24 hrs and completed a lot of admin in terms of weighing kit, visiting the ranger station and paying for our permit to the park, picking up our Clean Mountain Cans and signing in to Talkeetna Air taxi

At the moment the range is socked in with cloud and were waiting for the pilot to give us the thumbs up to jump on board. There are plenty of climbers here waiting, stalking the dirt road of second street like bears on the prowl. 

This morning before we tucked into our half stack of eggs and french toast Matt suddenly started talking about climbing with Jon and the atmosphere has suddenly started to take on a serious air. The rat is in need of a feed...

1 comment:

  1. Jealous.

    Although I remember waiting a week, with everyday Paul simply saying, Its all 'socked in up there'
