For the moment Alaska looks grey. The weather is fairly benign, but we've heard there has been a record winter here this year. A thousand inches of snowfall has been recorded in Valdez. Unphased by these big numbers and the numerous tales of cold conditions up high, Jon and Matt have been busy in the lounge of the B&B where they have transformed an avalanche of Black Diamond gear into well organised duffles. We are pretty much sorted now, just waiting for Greg to turn up with the sat-phone and Adrian's lap top which should now be fully configured to upload posts and photos from our planned base camp deep in the Ruth Gorge.
Tomorrow we head out to Talkeetna.
Johnny Baker
Matt and Jon demonstrate their affinity with nature |
Johnny, we need a picture of you, not convinced you are really there!! Seriously though, take care and enjoy it all. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Jenx